Friday, June 25, 2010

Disgusting Food.

There was a loud knock at the metal door that her in. "Open up" came a deep, growly voice. "Quickly, quickly, we don't have all day. She sat up, feeling stiff from laying on the hard ground for a few hours. She painfully stood up and started walking towards the door. "Hurry up!" he shouted again. "Alright, ALRIGHT!" She impatiently replied, she reached the handle of the door and pulled it open, it squeaked at it reached a wide open position and revealed the same man who had pushed her off the cliff. "I got your food, doll" he said as he shoved a metal plate towards her. "Would you please stop calling me that" She replied under her breath as she grabbed the plate from his cold hands. He made a low chuckle and walked off. "I'd eat that cause you wont be getting thing else" he said right as she looked down at her plate, She looked up, startled, like he had been watching her observe her only rations for the remainder of the evening. She turned around and shut the rusty door behind her.

She quickly looked over the food on her plate, it made her stomach sick.

(To Be Continued)

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

The House of the Rising Sun Part 3

Panic- (n) sudden, uncontrollable fear or anxiety.

"Oh no, oh no oh no" she said aloud to herself as she surveyed her surroundings. The room was about 15 feet wide and 10 feet long, not the most desirable living space. It was dark so she couldn't see much but by a little light from a small window in the corner she was able to see what the room consisted of. . A small metal chair and various items of trash. "Oh okay, no bed?" She thought, although a place to sleep was the last thing on her mind at the moment. Trying to keep herself calm she walked to the corner sat down on the ground and cried. After sobbing for about 20 minutes she finally fell asleep on the cold concrete floor.

About 3 long hours later. .

(To Be Continued)

The House of the Rising Sun Part 2

The house was musty and old, it gave the feel that it would fall apart at any second. It was huge, with vines growing alongside it she wouldn't have been surprised if it had been there for a good couple hundred years. He pulled her inside and kept the same death grip on her hand as he shoved her through dark passageways and down stairs. They finally reached the basement, it was cold, dark and wet, as he pulled her into a room in the right hand corner of the large cellar.

"You'll be safe in here" He said with a sneering grin "Just don't try anything stupid, I'd hate to see anything happen to that pretty face" And with one last evil laugh he shut the door, leaving her alone.

(To Be Continued)

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The House of the Rising Sun

Erin had to stop her self from breathing to fast and to hard but the fear was overwhelming. Of course crying wouldn't get her out but she was so frightened she didn't know what else to do! She began to rack her brain for anything that would help her get out alive. .

What if i could jump put of the back! it would hurt but i rather do that then stay here, She thought. But suddenly the van came to an abrupt halt lurching her forward and then back again causing her to bang her head against the back of the car.

Then some loud talking came from outside the vehicle. . "Take her inside and put her in that one room in the basement. . can you please do this and NOT fail, I'd hate to kill you" The mans growling voice seemed to echo inside the car. "ye- y-yes sir"

Her breathing quickened as the man who tried to push her off the cliff opened the doors and stared right at her. "C- C'mon doll, we don't have all day" He stuttered, and she got the feeling he was just as frightened as she was. She started inching forward. When she was close enough to him he grabbed her arm and yanked her forward. She groaned as her knees scraped against the bottom of the van, she pulled her knees out in front of her and jumped out. The man quickly turned around as if afraid she might try to get away. Trying not to show her obvious discomfort and fear she merely glanced skeptically at him. He muttered something under his breath and as he painfully grabbed her hand, pulled her alongside him and they started inside. .

(To Be Continued)

Kidnap Aftershock.

Panic flooded through her brain, she couldn't think and she couldn't move. She heard the doors of the van close and the vehicle rumble to life. When are my parents going to realize I'm not there? I hope they call the police or I'm doomed. Her stomach dropped and as the car lurched forward she began to cry. .

She positioned herself in the right corner of the van and pulled her shaking knees to her chest.

(To Be Continued)

A Surprise Kidnapping.

She felt like she had been asleep for days now, as she groggily awoke with a massive headache. When she finally took into consideration where she was she was jolted forward on her hands. "Owwww" she softly groaned, but then she paused. Landing on my hands like that didn't hurt as much as i thought it was going to. She thought as she looked down and saw that both of them were heavily bandaged. She continued to stare at them till some loud yelling outside snapped her out of her trance. With a quick assessment of her surroundings she came to the realization that she was in the back of a van and the jolting she had felt was the vehicle coming to an abrupt stop.

"You worthless piece of nothing!! You were supposed to wait there and make sure she fell to her death! That wasn't even that much to ask and you failed again!" Yelled a deep, husky voice from somewhere outside the van. "I said I was sorry okay?! I thought that she was for sure gonna fall! That was pure luck she managed to survive that! Sorry.. Wont happen again." Yelled the voice belonging to the other man, but this voice sounded oddly familiar, She had to stop and think.. "It better not happen again or i'll put you through what you put her through except i'll make sure you DONT get out alive!" The voice growled as the second man yelped with fear. Suddenly it hit her, the man that yelped was the same man who pushed her off the cliff. With a surge of anger she crawled on her knees to the doors of the van in hopes of getting a better look..

It was dark outside, so she could see nothing more than the silhouettes of the two men. She continued looking, trying to figure out where she was. None of it was familiar and with a pang of fear she realized she had been kidnapped. .

(To Be Continued)

She Clung to the rocks.. Part 3

How could i have been so stupid! She thought. 'The will to live is the strongest emotion human beings have'. She finally understood what this meant! As Erin hung there, halfway between life and death, she could feel the sharp rocks cutting into her skin and her legs beginning to go numb. Even if i could scream, no one could hear me.. I'm probably going to die here. But she had one last spark of courage in her and with it she began to hoist her self up till she found some footing. The sun was beginning to set and she knew she didn't have much time till it would go pitch black and seeing would be almost impossible. For 20 long minutes she endured the pain and continued to hoist herself up onto the dusty ground. The wind blew and the dirt flew into her eyes and she began crying. The pain was more than she had ever experienced before and giving up would be too easy, but,her determination kept her going.

When she finally reached the top, the blood red sun was setting in the blue clouded sky. She crawled until she was about 5 feet from the edge and she collapsed clutching her red, blood stained hands. Her face was still wet from the tears, As she slowly closed her eyes and fell asleep..

*End of Chapter 1*

(To Be Continued)

She Clung to the rocks.. Part 2

"You should know better than to meddle in things bigger than you, little girl" The man said in a low growling voice. She stood there unable to move, like every bone and every muscle in her body had suddenly been paralyzed. She and never in her life been in a situation like this and had no idea what to do. The mans persona was enough to scare anybody, His face was in the shadows but the rest of his body was lean, muscular and covered in scars.

"I. . I. . " She stuttered, He continued to stand there, as if patiently waiting for what she was going to say next. "I. . I'm so. . Sorry sir" She choked out. "I. . Didn't mean it, I was lo. . looking for someone. He paused, and stood there looking skeptical. "Sorry doll, but I'm afraid you've seen to much" With that, he started walking toward her, and she kept backing up till her feet were on the edge of the cliff. The fall was quite a ways down and surviving it would be pure luck. Her heart was pounding and every inch of her body was shaking uncontrollably, as if it knew it had come to the end of the road.

"I'll catch you later.. NOT!" the man said with a truly blood chilling laugh. And with one last step, she slipped..

(To Be Continued)

*This construction site is in colorado, where a bridge is to be built. However the bridge is not there yet, just a cliff with the river below, this is where she falls.*

She clung to the rocks.. Part 1

She clung to the rocks with all her might. Please don't fall, please don't fall, She thought. They were digging into her hands, She could feel the burn as the blood began trickling down her arm. How much longer would she be able to stay there before she fell to the mercy of the water below. . .

How 15 year old Erin got into this situation, she doesn't even know.. It all started off with a strange man she had seen suspiciously wandering around her neighborhood, over run with curiosity she decided to follow him, little did she know of the dangers she had just gotten herself into. She had followed him to a construction site, when he disappeared from view. Seconds later she heard a voice behind her.. It was him.

(To Be Continued)