Wednesday, December 1, 2010

The Escape

She began quietly tip-toeing down the hall.  She was scared out of her mind, I suppose it was self preservation that kept her going.  She reached the end of the hall and stopped to see if they were still talking.  They seemed to be in heated conversation again and she thought she'd better hurry up before it's too late.  She looked to the right and then the left, trying to decided which one would take her safely from this prison.  There was a light at the end and she began to walk towards it,  a surge of hope bubbled inside her and she broke into a run. 

Upon reaching it she realized it was merely a window.  And her heart sank once again.  She then realized that this is her only way out.  I'll break the window, She thought, It's all I've got left.  She looked around for something thick and hard enough to break through glass.

The room was dark and cold, her eyes canvased the floor looking for something that would help her escape.

She stumbled across a large rock, she knelt by the window, held her breath and started smashing at the window.  It must of been old because it broke rather easily.  The same hope she experienced earlier seemed to rise within her again, and she couldn't help but smile.

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